I had LASIK in 2019 and have been going back every 6 months because my eyes backslid. All Rights Reserved. Although PRK surgery has a 95% success rate, it's important to know that there are risks associated with laser eye surgeries such as PRK. For about 12 hours, the pain was unbearable. Some patients experience normal vision after healing from this surgery, then their vision becomes blurry due to light sensitivity, fluid build-up or scar tissue developing. Imagine how I felt going through it?? The only reason Im posting this is to ask that if you are considering doing this please do not. Im, I did a lasik 3 years ago and my eyes got a little bad so I went back for a PRK. If that doesnt work, it in for a second procedure. Eye surgery offers many solutions for correcting refractive errors, such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism. But I am bummed out that the surgery didnt help me get the 20/20 vision I wish I could have gotten. He reassured me that my night vision has nothing to do with the surface of my eye & sounds like a retina issue. Vision in low light/night time is horrible. After prk I had blurred vision which left me debilitated because of headaches and difficulty working on my computer. Ill never recommend it to anyone, and Im most likely never letting those con artists touch my eyes again! I work at a computer all day and have not been able to return to work because of this. I was 33 at the time of my surgery, good health, had astigmatism in left eye and my prescription was pretty strong, I paid for the best eye surgeons in my state (Virginia), followed all instructions given pre and post surgery to a T, went to all follow up appointments, and I still have lack luster results. I used the numbing drops accordingly and the prescription pain meds but nothing helped. Thankfully a contact lens is usually placed to help with the pain. My vision was -8.5 in both eyes. My prescription was -11 in both eyes with my glasses prescription and -10 with contacts. PRK involves cutting the entire outer layer of corneal tissue called the epithelium. Dry eye it varies, but hadnt such a problem before. I had PRK in November 2021. I dont blame you on the second surgery. Hello! This corneal abrasion takes three or four days to heal, resulting in moderate pain and blurred vision in the short term. This blurs vision temporarily until blinking restores a smooth tear film. PRK is also generally less expensive than LASIK. Heres the interesting part: If I put some eyedrops in that eye, I can see 20/20. When I woke up, my eyes felt like they had sand in them (which I was told was because of the bandage contacts) so it was a little uncomfortable but not in pain necessarily. I had RK back in 1979. Hey DJT, Funny you took the time to comment and read this article if youve never had issues with PRK. I am sending positive thoughts your way in hopes of a speedy recovery. Being almost blind has significantly slowed me down which is almost unbearable. It simply takes time for the vision to sharpen up all the way to 20/20. Because it will keep you from having reading glasses until older age! Honestly, it took me 2 months to recover and be able to drive again, work normally and even live normally (see my comments above if youre interested) but I am so happy with the result today! Eric Kolovson I slept off and on for most of the first two days with mild discomfort here and there. Again, this is incredibly rare. I waited a LONG time and finally feel like my eyes stabilized. I also get dry eye and used a lubricant the first few years, but now I just rely on lubricant drops when I need them a few times a month. It has completely ruined my life. The retinas light-sensitive cells, the rods and cones, are still recovering. And according to some clinical cases, your vision will constantly improve as time goes by, and it would take you 3 . Dr. Horn in Oakbrook..dik! I had expected that during the 6 month period, my eyesight would be somewhere between preop without glasses and 20/20. The information provided on this page should not be used in place of information provided by a doctor or specialist. They told me at the consultation that they couldnt do Lasik but could do PTK/PRK. I also like to share my PRK surgery story. Subject to credit approval. But the difference was, I was driving the next day and I could see perfectly when I woke up after the first day. Since last Saturday, my problems are improving a little every day but it is not yet like before. And suffer the same complications as you. I am praying it gets better as well. It is unbelievable how little we are told before these procedures. I did not have dry eyes before the surgery but do now. It was a very painful recovery and regret it every day. It is my opinion that no one should risk their precious eyes! He told me there had been studies that the change in the procedure was giving better results as far as recovery time. How long does blurred vision typically last following PRK refractive eye surgery? Im now 16 days out from my surgery. I wanted to avoid spending $500 a year on eye classes but now I spend $500+ a year on eye drops! Have all the side effects you speak of still to this day. I am literally considering suicide as an out from the pain. PRK approaches things differently and directly removes that epithelium layer - avoiding the need to create a flap within the cornea. The pain, sensitivity and frustration I felt was identical to your experience. The prescription of the eye stabilizes and with this comes improvements in what you can see. In fact, the lubricating eye drops and steroids seem to make my eyes even more sensitive. The ophthalmologist says my eye is structurally healthy, but my vision is damaged. 6. I am 10 weeks post surgery and I dont have another appointment for four more weeks. At this point, I am just hoping that, I am able to reach a point, hopefully soon, where I can wear glasses and be able to see as well as I was able to pre procedure. I dont feel like I am seeing any improvements but some days are better or worse than others. I am in constant pain. Close to 95% of all PRK patients are completely corrected to be able to see 20/20 or better. Not to mention, it is my eyes which I was nervous about in the first place. Everyday when I wake up I am reminded of my mistake and then begins the battle of what I could possibly do to improve my condition. I was prescribed Norco as well as steroid and antibiotic eye drops, as I was told that numbing eye drops have been shown to cause complications with healing. I had LASIK in 2006 and have had no problems whatsoever. But the main issue that I am devastated about is my inability to see in low light . I went in for my follow-up appointment (make a note you need a driver for that as well) the next afternoon. The first week out after PRK will have the most blurred vision. These individuals might not be candidates for LASIK, but PRK might work for them. My job choices are now extremely limited. It felt like someone was pouring acid in my eyes. Drugs didnt seem to help much. I didnt feel like I could see well until maybe 4 months later. When PCO develops, the cloudy capsule in the back of the lens begins to form. My eyesight weakened after about 15 years as I stated before and now I need to decide between bifocals or to have the surgery yet again since I was given a guarantee. The first time I could see the alarm clock clearly, I squealed I was so happy. After your PRK surgery, it is wise to use lubricating drops or a moisturizing contact lens in order to keep your eyes comfortable during the healing process. Today, my vision is still blurry but when I wear that same pair of nonprescription cosmetic lenses, my vision sharpens and becomes more crisp. During the first 24 hours after PRK, its important to rest your eyes. I accidentally poked my eye with the eye dropper as I was putting drops in. One morning I woke up and realized I could see clearly. Vision improves between the first week and the first month out after PRK. The only time I have issues now is when driving. How many weeks of FML is sufficient. Wow, your experience is so similar. How long does it take to get 20/20 vision after PRK? Please keep us posted! Your vision will continue to fluctuate, and you may experience blurriness, though it should dissipate within a week or two. I have heard that some vison clinics are not good. As much as I hated wearing glasses, I wish I had them on right now. It does not appear to be getting any better, either. i had lasix and had no problem at all after. Do not do it. My vision was blurry for about 2 months after. This generally occurs after one week. After your PRK surgery, you should be able to see clearly within 2-5 weeks. Every time I go back to the doctor, they say it will get better, but it doesnt get any better. Most patients are able to resume work and other activities within a week, and full recovery and visual improvements should take between 1 - 3 months. Last September I had cataract surgery plus intraocular lens (IOL) implants (right and left eye three weeks apart). With PRK, rather than forming a flap, the top surface (epithelium) is scraped away. I did not feel comfortable driving and my eyes themselves felt extremely sensitive to the touch. I read all about it, but what surprises me about eye clinics that sell refractive surgeries is that they do not disclose the after effects. He told me not to worry and by the time I got back, Id be seeing great. I hope this happens for you as well. Minimum Interest Charge is $2. First, lets discuss why I got PRK instead of LASIK and why you might have to do the same. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. My job is suffering because a huge chunk of it is using a computer, and I dont know how I will feel from hour to hour. As far as my 5-year update goes, I am still very disappointed with my results and am angry, but time is helping me get over it. They said theyd get me as close to 20/20 as possible and right after the surgery I was right around 20/20 for a few weeks. I belong to a support group for people who have had LASIK complications and there are thousands of us living with the regret and consequences of butchering our eyes. Your email address will not be published. Interest will be charged on promotional purchases from the purchase date at a reduced 17.90% APR on purchases with 60 months promotional financing. As recovery continues, your eyesight will gradually start to improve. since at this moment in the dark nights I see as with glare or starburst the small sources of light or the moon. Here are a few facts I wish I would have read before I began my PRK journey. Problem with street and car lights in night. They had not changed since month one which left me with astigmatisms in both eyes that I did not have before the surgery and recommended a PRK touch up. now instead of headaches from glasses I get them from light and dryness or eye. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. My left eye is still blurry and I have been out of work since!!! How I wish I read it earlier so that I can give some thoughts over correcting my eyes. Pain and discomfort are the most common side effects associated with PRK surgery. However, if your vision continues to deteriorate or you experience any other symptoms, its essential that you visit your doctor promptly so they can provide assistance. I got to And now to begin my infuriating experience and started feeling too anxious to continue. some people make me laugh, i myself am still stuck between snatching myself SBK Lasik or ASA PRK. A few percentage of PRK patients will need to have an enhancement (touch up) to their treatment usually considered at the 3 to 6 month mark depending on the patient. Im 2 years post PRK and my eyes are better, but will never be normal again. No swimming, hot tubbing, spa, or whirlpool for at least 2 weeks to reduce the risk of infection. In December 2009, my eyesight started to travel backwards. In 2 days I was up and still sensitive to light had to wear dark sunglasses. LASIK is performed by slicing the cornea and creating a flap that gets put back on the eye once the laser is used. I do have a possible procedure to brush the cornea again as something (i cant remember the term he used) is 60 microns thick, while a normal (insert term) should only be 40 microns thick its something on my cornea. However, I had one eye done at a time, and I developed a severe case of dizziness and nausea from visual/vestibular mismatch after my surgery. I blame myself entirely for cavalierly accepting the assurances of my ophthalmologist without doing any research. I personally chose PRK myself and had a great surgeon that was very easy on the eye throughout the procedure and their method utilized a disc instead of a well to apply the alcohol directly to the treatment area reducing the after surgery pain. Ruby Design Company. However, blurry vision may last longer if you have both a vitrectomy and retina surgery. I know many people as well that havent had any issues, but the more I started reading afterward, the more I discovered with many major issues afterward including halos and dry eye. Retinal image quality and visual function stability were assessed preoperatively, one and three months after myopic laser in situ keratomileuses (LASIK) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK . The cupholders in my car are full of them. So, to anyone who enjoys excellent vision with contacts, really think about it and research before you do it. This procedure is one of the best ways to correct visual impairment and is quickly becoming popular around the world. lady at dr office told me it could be 8 months or more before i no longer will have an issue with the sand feeling. Most of the time, your treatment will have worked and your vision should be stable within a few months. - Maloney Once your eyes have stabilized, usually in three to six months, your vision correction is permanent. She said a simple little procedure could correct the astigmatism and that it was included in my medical packageI didnt have to pay one additional cent. My dry eyes seem to be getting a little better (I feel like if I type this I will by jinxing myself!) Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is a form of laser eye surgery that is intended to correct an individuals vision. I think I will need some psychologists sessions after all this Opthalmologist mentioned that epithelium in one eye is healed and the other eye is healing. I chose PRK instead of Lasik due to my martial art training. I hear about these overzealous doctors doing these procedures on high script thin cornea patients and wonder how many have complications down the road. Good luck mate! But it can take a lot longer if there is haze or scarring of the cornea. As the epithelium continues to become smooth again, the vision continues to sharpen up over the course of the rest of the week. You will most likely be under the influence of a sedative and your vision will be blurry after PRK. I can drive in the Cape Town summer days with our extremely harsh lighting. Thanks for sharing your story with us Rachel! His practice has changed a little but I trusted him. I am still unable to drive at all, and my computer usage is very limited. When we use glasses and surgery to correct vision, we correct two prescription measurements: sphere (how nearsighted you are) and astigmatism (how much your cornea resembles a cylinder or football). At the very least, I hope all our stories will help someone make the right decision regarding their eyes. Oh and I still have a slight astigmatism in my left eye. A 2007 study performed by JB Randleman asserted that corneal ectasia only occurred in 0.04 percent to 0.6 percent of PRK procedures, and 96 percent of ectasia instances were attributed to LASIK, while only 4 percent were attributed to PRK. Another benefit is that PRK can be performed on individuals who have thin corneas as well as individuals with severe nearsightedness. Ive seen two ophthalmologists several times, even with extra appointments because of my concern, but they dont seem to have any concerns. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. .y eyes feels like they dont work in sync because of this discrepancy. A cornea transplant (keratoplasty) is a surgical procedure that replaces part of the cornea with donated corneal tissue. However, regular readers do not work well with astigmatism. Well, the main reason I decided to get my eyes corrected was that I thought it would be helpful when traveling long-term. I am so sorry youre going through this and really hope it gets better. That is why i need a vaseline-like eye lubricant to make sure that it wont get dry that much. Boy was I wrong, PRK recovery was not what I expected at all! Do I need an enhancement? Ive also realized that visual acuity is subjective- some people are OK with blurry vision! Either LASIK or PRK. I hate not being able to see distance, and I strain now for both reading and distance, Consult with a doctor virtually or in person. My left eye is 20/20, not blurry at all. I signed some type of waiver and liability form so I never even thought of legal action I just felt the need to share so anyone contemplating the surgery would think maybe twice. The first one was taken on both eyes at age 21, I had 1.25 & 1. Also even getting slightly bumped in the eye is painful for me. I read these stories and I am just shocked as I have never heard of any of this happening at my clinic (PS. I am so frustrated here and so tired of not able to see! In between that 1 month mark and the 3 month mark, vision continues to steadily improve. Originally, I was told three days to a week but as you read further youll learn it was MUCH LONGER plus I needed a second PRK surgery just a year after the first. I know I have a while yet to heal, but I feel really desperate. Dr. said I would get used to it. My eyes have a hard time focusing, but it gets better everyday. I didn't realize what I wasn't seeing. But fortunately even that resolves by 6 months after PRK. Past 6 months onwards i am using FML eye drops. My eyes before the surgery were -6.00 and -6.50. I have scoured the internet up and down and have not encountered anybody that can describe similar pain to what I experienced. They ALWAYS tell you just the 5% develops these complications but I honestly think its a huge BS. Another potential cause of long-term ghosting may be preoperative astigmatism that was not corrected during your PRK surgery. My physician is a perfectionist, however, and told me that although I seemed satisfied with the results, she was not. When PRK is performed, a layer of the patients cornea (the corneal cells) is completely removed which has to then grow back. I was too blurry to work on my computer for over a month but I dimmed my screens got blue light glasses and had to put my face inches from the screen to even focus. There are currently 9 PRK Laser Eye Surgery + 2 Months Post-op questions and doctor answers on RealSelf. Ive had a baby and this was way worse. Sudden blurry vision in one eye: What does it mean. My dizziness and nausea lasted a long time and I did many different therapies to try to help costing my thousands of dollars. Then I met with the doctor to go over what was about to happen and he applied anesthetic drops to my eyes to numb them. And Id like to share my personal journey through two separate eye surgeries, the PRK recovery on both procedures, and my PRK complications. Im pretty much going to be honest and up-front with them, as I always have been. You should see some improvement in the next 2-3 months. Even though the division may appear slightly foggy at times, it may require around 4 to 6 weeks for eyesight to return to its usual crisp state. These changes to vision can be permanent. Compared to mt left eye, my reading distance is somewhat blurry and NOT crisp! It sounded quick and easy and free. Those of us that have had horrible experiences need to share with others because I do not feel the eye surgeons are properly informing their patients of the potential risks. So far so good. There are so many of us that were blindsided (literally) without the possible complications being explained to us. They are dependent on not needed acute eyesight and environments that dont contribute to my misery. So sorry to hear that KS. This was the biggest mistake of my life! Amazon Associates Disclosure Dang Travelers is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. I hear about these overzealous doctors doing these procedures on high script thin cornea patients and wonder how have. That if you are considering doing this please do not it can take a lot if! Djt, Funny you took the time, your eyesight will gradually start to.., it is my eyes and by the time to comment and read this article if youve never had with. Several times, even with extra appointments because of headaches and difficulty working on my computer usage is limited., to anyone who enjoys excellent vision with contacts, really think about it and research before you do.... The purchase date at a computer all day and have not encountered that... 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