Yep. Im doing alot off oly lifting complex and just love it. Jul 26, 2019 - This is the last installment of our four month series of programming for crossfitters who want to gain a ton of lean muscle mass, and keep their conditioning. Is this as heavy as possible? Monday. lol. 8 Week Functional Crossfit Bodybuilding Program (part2) 8 Pages 1,514 Words PDF 771.3 KB + PROGRAM + Week + bodybuilding + CrossFit + functional Uploaded at 2021-10-17 05:43 Report DMCA This document was submitted by our user and they confirm that they have the consent to share it. Yes I think getting a current 1RM would be the best way to go. Im a bit confused or Im missing something or doing something wrong because I feel like phase one was far more difficult. The data shows that on average you can increase your muscle cross sectional area .12% per day for large muscle groups like your quads. THE 16 WEEK FUNCTIONAL BODYBUILDING HYBRID PROGRAM Read More Wilbur Wilbur is a fitness fanatic who has been writing about his experiences for over ten years. Think of all the free time youll have for activities! Over 50 Bodybuilding Workout Routine. *Week 7-9 perform 3 x 12 with 45 sec rest periods. This. I work from home and need to get out and do something active otherwise Ill go nuts sitting around the house all day. From here you have a variety of options in choosing your next program. Pairing opposite muscle groups allows for more intensity as you would rapidly tire those muscles with 8 or more sets straight. Exercise one on min 1 exercise two on minute 2. I have one question, should I recalculate my 1rm before moving to the hybrid program part two? Should I just do one on a rest day? I will jump on that and yes, I wanna gain some size. Perform a linear powerlifting progression as laid out below. Perform the following program on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program, Elite Level Fitness: Programming Analysis of a Games Athlete, 25 Speed Shooting Tips from World Champ Ben Stoeger, Fight Gone Bad Workout (WOD): Average to Elite Scores, 7 Best Budget Thermal Scopes for Tactical Use and Hunting, Best 9mm Ammo for Self Defense and Concealed Carry (Top 3), Average 5k Time for Runners, Navy SEALs, CrossFit Athletes, and More. And for t bar and dips will that do or there are better alternatives. Looks awesome and exactly what Ive been searching for! Hi Jake, I just finished the hybrid program part one, Im glad I did. This is the perfect thing Ive been looking for to help me. In the second cycle there is a barbell walking lunge. Let us know how it goes! It was designed for a serious lifter who can commit to three intense back workouts each week. I recommend 3-5 minutes cardio then warming up the muscle groups you will use with calisthenics. Off. Intraset rest periods found in clusters or rest/pause methods can be used to extend sets. I'm now looking for some sort of program that combines both bodybuilding stuff + metcon stuff. What programming should I start right after finish this one? - This program follows part 1 on of the Hybrid Bodybuilding Program - It is 8 weeks in length, 5 days per week. The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program Tier Three Tactical. Let us know how it goes. If you love this program, then get your copy of the premium version below. I'm back on it now. Thinking of jumping in on this program. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Love the WOD selection as well. I am getting my ass kicked, not going to lie. What would be a good replacement for both? Thanks Jake. Also, Im training at home, and dont have access to an assault bike, rower, or GHD. Sure they need some energy systems works, but so do we all. My numbers are 130 kg Backsquat, 85kg snatch, 110kg clean&Jerk, 115kg front squat but iwant more whats your recommendation on any of your plans. If you want all the details, then pick up your copy of my premium program below. Like those half sugar gatorades. Bench=215 lbs. [PDF] Darian's 8 Week Powerlifting Program. Youll be fairly sore this week, but youll find that it wont be as bad because your body acclimatizes to this amount of volume. 8-Week Powerbuilding DUP v.5.0 DUP Percentage Program You should notice that your strength and bodyweight are probably increasing, and they should be. The opinions and information expressed in this article are solely those of the author and are not affiliated with any corporation, group, public or private entity.This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Crossfit Inc. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. If you didnt get it at all then send me an email at and ill look into the issue. The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Premium Program $24.99 tierthreejake 5 ratings - This program is designed to give you the benefits of a custom functional fitness program at one tenth the price. With these two resources you will understand what is and isnt appropriate to eat, as well as how much energy you will need to gain muscle mass. There is a part three as well. Ideally a functional fitness athlete who needs to gain muscle mass will spend months of their competitive season doing so, as it takes real time to physically make this tissue. Thank you! Hey Jake! Best regards from the Netherlands. Question. Dont worry to much about progression. Currently in the 3rd week of the Program and just did the lower body workout. Yep this is my hybrid series. Hey Jake! hypertrophy chest program isbn pdf english pages Denise. How should the weights be through deloads week? The deload is coming! Choosing your next program is important. Theyre blurred out on this page. Check out this article for The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program. Ive also included links to my nutrition calculators, and favorite methods to enhance recovery. Does it mean that I should increase the weight during the next sets? Alternative bodybuilding 4-day splits. Landon I think that depends on your specific goals and what is currently holding you back. Otherwise Id probably do 90 sec between sets or so. Let us know how it turns out. Its totally free, and thousands have already received their strength programming, fat loss, and their bonus guide. Thats what I would recommend. I forgot to put it in there lol. Its very important to note that Ive included a 10 min break in between the lifting and the WOD. Dont be afraid to modify this for less volume if needed. You will notice that we keep the same moves throughout the first 4 weeks and this is by design. Hay Jake, great looking program gonna give it a shot. Just a few questions: This will be the highest volume week. This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Crossfit Inc. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. Thank you. Then I warm up with the bar and increase into my work sets. Trick question nerds, there . I dont have access to a rope for the rope climbs; if there a sub exercise I could change it to? This is the perfect program for people that love functional fitness, and also like having trouble fitting through doors. One quick question on the walking and barbell lunges portion of the program the number of reps is for each leg or total reps? I am in the middle of your free program for functional fitness athletes (fitness competitors program) and I love it. Love this split!! Im a firefighter and I feel like I was neglecting functional fitness in favour of just doing 55 or 5/3/1. What is your point of view? There is no difference for females. Youll be surprised how well you feel. Most say it cant be done. If you have been doing a more traditional program where you do some strength work and then a WOD you could be in for quite a surprise. you get the best of both worlds. Make sure you only take as much rest as you need. Youll probably also be needing a whole new wardrobe. Each sessions is probably going to take you 80-90 minutes and there is some good research showing that electrolytes and sugar can increase sports performance on these types of long sessions. Just know that running generally causes the most interference with hypertrophy. How do you recommend a female to approach this program? Single arm dumbbell snatch, right? Should work well for fire fighters I would think! As long as you get the work in thats what matters, not doing it exactly as written. Barbell walking lunge should be performed with the bar for weight. If you want the full program with all the coaches notes, then get it here. If I wanted to add some run for running conditioning, how often do you recommend? 1) can the program be a four-day program? Needless to say this is a lot of work, but on the plus side, part one is only four days per week. This begins the last block of this cycle. Its four days per week. To do this we must gain muscle mass. Hi, Hey Jake, Hi Jake, Please click on this text to read disclaimer before attempting any training methods described here. What does AHAP stand for?? Its no secret that Ive published a ton of free programs on this site, and I continue to do so. Good luck. Quick question, if I wanted to add the In this article we examined how part one of the Hybrid Program has much higher volume than a more traditional bodybuilding program. If you want to start from the beginning you can find part one here, and you can find part two here. Well thats simply not the case. The link to part three of this program is at the bottom of the page. Check this article out that reviewed over 200 studies on muscular hypertrophy. I do not recommend doing two different programs, its just too much. LEARN MORE PUMP 40 Mega Muscle. Hi! Could you elaborate on the upper body sled pulls? This is two movements done back to back with no rest. However, i have a partially torn bicep, and am very reluctant to cleanAny suggestions for a sub? The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program 4,436 views Feb 22, 2020 49 Dislike Share Save Tier Three Tactical 1.85K subscribers This program seems like exactly what I am looking for with 1 half of my goals (build muscle and strength). 1) Is it ok to separate the chunks into morning and evening sessions? Do you think its ok to do these during the rest days? It can work as a 4 day per week program. There is not interference doing Bench press and Dumbbell press the same day? If youre anything like me, you started functional fitness to get in killer shape, add some muscle, and feel better. As we all know, an average means that many athletes will achieve better results, and just as many will be below average. It is the most endurance oriented strength sport, but a very clear relationship exists between higher levels of strength, and increases in sports performance. Please click on this text to read disclaimer before attempting any training methods described here. Also for general metcon scaling, should we scale to a weight that enables us to keep moving (I.e less rest)? Seated Rows: 4 x 8 (drop set on final set) Lat Pulldowns: 4 x 10 (drop set on final set) As you can see, you're building the strength and dense muscle with barbell rows, and staying heavy with the dumbbell rows. Just to clarify: day 1, week 1 I do 1 set of bench then do 1 set of bent over rows and then back to bench? The standard weight lifting moves are just sets and reps, and not a circuit. Love it so far! Look around on the site Ive got several fat loss programs and tons of other types as well. I felt super exhausted after the 410 Squats and could barely muster the strength for the 55 Deadlifts for which I can usually do 150kg for at least 6 reps and yesterday 5140 were almost feeling like a 1rm attempt. The overall goal of this program is to continue building muscle mass, but honestly your body is probably acclimatizing to this style of training and the creation of new muscle tissue will be slowing. Here is a snapshot of the total amount of work for the first day of part 1, based off of my personal testing. Just wondering before i hit that buy button: 1. Superset if you like, but Id probably take at least 30 sec or so moving between exercises. functional strength, and 1-repetition maximum (1RM) after resistance training (RT) in the upper extremity of older adults. Well, with out further ado here is the first week of part 2. Read from Left to right. We work out in our garage and have just about everything to do crossfit workouts. Because I see that we train antagonist muscles. I normally dont both, but either way just be consistent with how youre doing it. Will have to see if a few months down the road if I can do the competitor program but excited for the challenge, Hi Jake, If youve stuck with me so far youve no doubt built a lot of muscle mass, but we are athletes after all, and we will need to make sure that this muscle mass is actually useful to us. Really amped to start. The 7 week program is going to be your best prep for the open, especially coming off of the hypertrophy program. The programming is great for what they say it is, you'll be a decent athlete in powerlifting and weightlifting with the asthetics. You now have everything you need to keep the gainz train rolling. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand. As always you will need to make sure you are following proper nutrition and recovery practices. 1. Just finishing up this program. Any substitute movements? By splitting between two muscles groups, you'll undoubtably build more muscle and strength. First I would recommend reading the ultimate nutrition guide, so you will understand the principles behind eating like an athlete. Mike I would try a couple options. That was pure happenstance. If I wanted to add the running program for some conditioning, could I substitute a few of the WODs with some of the running workouts instead? This 8 week program has 32 individual sessions and is designed to be done four days per week. For those that are using the PDF, youll see that Ive included the whole Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program. Workout 1 - Chest and Abs. It also has the added benefit of transitioning you back into a more normal functional style program. You should then jump in after the 9 week strength cycle in the overall plan, and continue on. Day 3: Upper Body Pull 1 Weighted pull-up 3 sets, 8 reps (rest 90 sec.) This program is higher volume and a little more difficult with drop sets, and supersets sprinkled throughout. Understand that you may not be feeling great this week, and that is to be expected. If you crushed this program then start Part Two of the Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program. Hey Jake! The 72 week one is a general functional fitness program and it will deliver well rounded results. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Contact us:, We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.. It will take some time to retrain your body to use the new muscle mass, and convert it into useful strength. Walking lunge is still weighted but could be with dumbbells or a bar, whichever youd like. You should be feeling pretty good on these lifts, and I wouldnt be surprised if you dont PR on a few lifts, which is pretty amazing considering the goal of this style of training isnt necessarily strength gains. Check out an example page for the premium program, so you can see exactly what youre getting. Its however your schedule works but I normally plan on 2 on/1off, 2 on/ 2 off. Cut or build muscle. This cycle will help you transition from this very high - Its number one goal is to increase your muscle mass. The workout is from right to left? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Contact us:, We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.. For the triceps push down you could get a cheap elastic band and do push downs on that. I have not specified weights for the hypertrophy work. As we mentioned above this program is a continuation of The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program series. I also replaced DB bench press with weighted dips. Hi Jake, This High-Intensity Functional Bodybuilding Program follows a standard split, 5 days per week, with one rest day, and is to be followed for 6 weeks. Awesome Program Im a cross fitter but joined a new gym that doesnt offer it but has a Crossfit Box so I was so happy to see your program! Add weight in small increments and keep your reps to five or fewer until you reach a load that allows you only three to five reps. The problem, up until now, is that to gain muscle mass you had to train just like a bodybuilder, which left very little room for WODs and more traditional metabolic conditioning. An example of this would be jogging and heavy back squats. For example 15 cal assault bike is around a minute, so that would translate to 200-300m run. Looking forward to running some more and seeing how it goes! e bb abe f d b f [PDF] THE 8 WEEK SHRED PROGRAM 6. Free bonus: Intro to Nutrition and Healthy Eating Links to video explanations for individual exercises. Thanks for helping out ! The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Premium Program (Part 2) $24.99 tierthreejake 0 ratings - This program is designed to give you the benefits of a custom functional fitness program at one tenth the price. I would caution you; however, not to get stuck in this type of training if overall performance is your goal. I did and I think it cost like 40 bucks and works well. It depends on your goal. Unfortunately, I cannot coach everyone. It builds off of part one, and ratchets up the intensity, and difficulty to all new levels. (Chest/legs/back? Jump on that and yes, I have not the 8 week functional bodybuilding hybrid program pdf weights for the open especially! Next sets in between the lifting and the WOD explanations for individual exercises will understand the principles behind like. Eating like an athlete feel like I was neglecting functional fitness to get out do... To add some run for running conditioning, how often do you recommend a female to approach this follows. Transition from this very high - its number one goal is to be four. Just as many will be below average on it now eating like an athlete rest day with! 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