Silentfishes - a tribe name of silent attackers. Members of a tribe often share a common culture and language, and they may have a shared history or ancestry. Shadowclaws - are known for sending skirmishes. Kobolds are typically unlawful in nature and worship the God of war and mining, Kurtulmak. beek forerunner. 1. This DnD Kobold name generator will help you find the right name for your character. Therefore, he came to me to get some unique, cool, and well-meaning kobold names suggestions. Dense woods, hills, or large rock outcroppings provide more comfortable warrens above the natural waterlines. These areas tend to have natural caves, plentiful food sources, and plenty of room to dig. Coldheart - the name of a cruel kobold. They may have their origins in Germanic paganism and folklore, according to some theories, or in Greek and Eastern mythology, according to others. That may all end soon, as the great evil approaches from the east. Den Copperhedd, Casters of Magic. Brax not like other Kobold, no no. the small red-scaled creature said, his voice unusually soft and calm Brax be good. These types are as mentioned below: These kobolds help humans in household chores. So, he was thinking about naming his characters based on mythology and in-game species names. Sling. A kobold is a small, mischievous creature that originates from Germanic folklore. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They are often described as being ugly and resembling a small, deformed human or gnome. Now, she commands a group of her own, all magic users, with whom she plans to take the command of the tribe as soon as the time is right. The below boxes if completely filled with some remarkable female Kobold names. If you are using Kobold in your RPG game, then you will need to find the right Kobold name. Consider the environment the tribe inhabits. With just a few clicks, you can generate more names for your kobold characters. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, Top 50 Kobold Names With Meanings For Your D&D Characters, 60+ Funny Orc Names That Are Perfect For Your Next Campaign, All Of The Pillar Men Names From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 100+ Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, And Hockey Team Names From Past And Present, 80+ Beaver Names From Fiction, Plus Cute And Funny Ideas For Names. They have powerful jaws for creatures of their size and noticeable claws on their hands and feet. Kobolds are regarded as kind spirits in some cultures, like China. These kobolds usually worship the God of War. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Kobold names - Dungeons & Dragons 2022 (UPDATED) Kobold names - Dungeons & Dragons Dungeons & Dragons Kobold name generator. Here's the list of unique kobold names: Skull bough. you're viewing your generator with the url kobold-clan-generator - you can: change its url; duplicate it; make private; download it; delete it; close . Think of a few backup names to have on hand. The easiest and quickest way to go forward is to use the kobold name generator tool. Choosing a good name depends on you and what you are looking for. "Hrutark will eat your heart!" - the bugbear yelled in broken Common, before he took the man's head clean off with one . Regarding names, I found that Kobold tribes tend not to have clear names, so instead I've created a table for where they get their names from. Choose words that evoke a sense of power and strength. What's Hot. Kobold names often have a meaning in their language, and many kobolds take great pride in their names. Kobold names are melodic, softer, and sweet in sound thus, you can use these names to name a female with any such qualities. My brother, John, was playing D&D along with his friends. You may need to update the web application. The only female sorcerer in the tribe, she has quickly proven her worth to her leader. There's thousands of random kobold names in this generator. These characters are aggressive and has some abilities, while roleplaying these characters the first thing is to give them names which will suit in the best possible manner to their abilities. They live in tombs and buildings and serve as guardians, guarding the dead and repelling evil spirits. Some of them worship the God of traps or trickery. For hundreds of years, kobolds have been featured in folklore. Kobold is so famous and many people following and fans of a kobold. The larger creatures may provide protection or gather more challenging resources, while the smaller kobolds might excavate new living spaces or perform more menial tasks like removing refuse. No matter which kobold tribe you come from, you can be sure that you have a rich history and culture that sets you apart from the rest. Ozkorlu - for free and Independent kobolds. Igzog - a funny kobold name for someone who thinks themselves to be a God. 24. xordeig hillbane. February 16, 2023. Utilize symbols, numbers, and colors to add depth. 2023 | AllRightsReserved. The Tribe Name Generator can generate thousands of ideas for your project, so feel free to keep clicking and at the end use the handy copy feature to export your tribe names to a text editor of your choice. d100 Lists . Kobolds often help dragons in their lairs, and it is not uncommon for a kobold to be assigned to a young dragon as a caretaker. 32. Unlike other characters from these games, you can role-play these kobolds too. There's no denying that kobolds are some of the most clever and resourceful creatures around. Kobolds are known for their love of traps and their fear of dragons. Dark Horse 10. However, these diminutive reptilian creatures find their strength in numbers with a solid social structure that stresses devotion to their tribe. Kobolds believe Tiamat created them using the blood of dragons, and their similarly draconic appearance is difficult to refute. Starting off as goblinoids they were later identified as reptilian humanoids. 9. So get started and create some really cool kobold names! 100 Memorable NPC Appearances. Name. You can reach us by scanning the QR code. Traveling the land riding Colo, his trusted dire weasel friend, hes slowly making a name for himself. Kobold Clan Names. Can Vitamin Supplements Be Beneficial to Your Health? Your base walking speed is 30 feet. If this is your first time actually making a Kobold, you might think their name has nothing to do with their culture. Kobolds are also known for their love of treasure, so a name like hoarder, Scavenger, or Treasure hunter would also be appropriate. There are some points which you can keep in mind while coming up with a good kobold names. If you liked our suggestions for kobold names then look at more character articles with dragonborn names or tiefling last names. 2. 38. Whitehawks - a funny kobold clan name which is a pun on US military choppers named 'Black Hawks'. Otherwise, you can email us directly at [emailprotected]. In a perfect world, kobolds envision a peaceful land of seclusion where they can dig their endless tunnels, raise the next generation without fear, and worship their god without persecution or judgment. Diligent, industrial, and cunning, a Kobold can decide to forge a path of their own, so they leave their tribe and venture into the unknown. Silverbrothers - brothers who stick together show the unity of the tribe. He liked the name Magnudre most. The idea of kobolds as a whole has changed over time. If you want to play an underdog, someone who is likely to have a hard time, play a Kobold. Something went wrong! Kobolds are a fun-loving and mischievous race, so your kobold name should reflect that. It can also be a great starting point if you're looking to explore a new culture or identity. This generator will generate 10 random names and surnames for kobolds. One of the more important female roles in the tribe is the role of a foster parent, as females often laid eggs in a common nest, a designated place where each can be cared for. Kobold tribe name generator. Gank - usually named after the leader of the tribe. The Kobold Name Generator can generate thousands of ideas for your project, so feel free to keep clicking and at the end use the handy copy feature to export your kobold names to a text editor of your choice. You can create many more Kobold name options using a generator with appropriate keywords provided in the table above. Have fun! And what's one of the things they're most known for? Generate Character Gender: AnyMaleFemaleClass: AnyBarbarianBardClericDruidFighterMonkPaladinRangerRogueSorcererWarlockWizardRace: AnyDragonbornMountain DwarfHill DwarfHigh ElfRock GnomeHalf-ElfHalf-OrcLightfoot HalflingHumanTieflingLevel: Forcas Dread Character Name Rogue 1 Class & Level Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Fighter Monk Paladin Ranger Fedra - (Ancient Greek origin) meaning "Bright". They are proud to have been chosen to be the blood-kin ofdragons. Simply click the button below to generate a random kobold name. Unique Kobold Names. So here we collected the latest kobold names for everyone to take names from this article and use where you want. Most Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kobold, Mandalorian Names & Mandalorian Name Generator. Kobolds are small reptilian humanoids with crocodile-like jaw and dragon-like scale skin. They are not very strong or intelligent, but they make up for this with their numbers. With just one click, you can generate hundreds of new kobold names, all of which are perfect for your next D&D campaign. Welcome to the Tribe Name Generator! Kobolds also worship Gaknulak - the God of traps, stealth, and trickery. the character is like humans because they talk and walk like a human being. 46. Gamers often prefer naming their characters based on mythology and in-game species names, so why not take a look at the best kobold names listed below. Your email address will not be published. Be a little careful though, as there is always a small chance that an idea already belongs to someone else. Kobolds take their names from the Yipyak language, an archaic derivative of draconic that some liken to the sound of yapping dogs. However, the first step is to get a good name for your character. 23. 14. What similarities or references might connect the kobold's name to another culture or tradition. Try something silly like Boof, Fidget, or Giggles. These kobolds tend to be more aggressive in their hunting and behavior, as food is far morescarce. The Story Shack claims no copyright on any of these names, but it is of course possible that some of the values this name generator provides are already owned by anyone else, so please make sure to always do your due diligence. Kobolds' ancestry is unknown and may vary from culture to culture. Did you enjoy this guide? 11. They are proud to have been chosen to be the blood-kin of dragons. If you are looking for a male kobold name, here are some ideas to get you started. Middlewoods - a funny name for a tribe who loves attacking by stealth. They can be found in books, movies, television shows, and video games today, and it's likely that they will continue to captivate and entertain for many years to come. Enjoy! This site is not affiliated with the game publishers. Meepo - a good kobold name for someone who was the keeper of dragons. 21. Their hands and feet end in sharp, clacking claws, and their scales appear in a variety of colors, of which red, black, white, green, and blue are the most common. Zehra - for kobolds who are unlawfully bright. Below are some fantastic D&D kobold tribe names. Using a generator allows you to explore different options, giving you the opportunity to find a name that is meaningful and special to the tribe. Kobolds have the potential for some of the funniest names in D&D. Your potential for making a noise that "sounds" correct for a Kobold is massive, and using a random generator on it can be kind of a waste. Use our kobold name generator to get a custom name for your kobold character. They can change their shape and take whatever form they please. They often live in close proximity to dragons, in the hopes of placating the beasts and avoiding being eaten. Over 3.5 million unique and cool clan names . All random tribe names created with this tool are 100% free to use without any need to provide credit (although we do appreciate the occasional shoutout). These fictional characters are quite famous in the universe of D&D. Simply click the button below to generate a random kobold name. Mik - a funny kobold name meaning 'like a God'. They were said to come in three main types. There are a variety of kobold names, as each tribe has its own naming conventions. Yes you can. Zon - is a kobold who can inflict maximum damage on its opponents. Rajnandini is an art lover and enthusiastically likes to spread her knowledge. If you are willing to choose a Kobold name for an identity whose behavior seems to be quite similar to the named creature, then we assure you to give some very famous and remarkable Kobold names. Moments later, several big brutes jumped from the bushes and attacked them with ferocity. Give our kobold name generator a try today and see what kind of names you come up with! Tribe Name Generator. If this question is exactly the same as your mind me thinking of, then no doubt you are stepping right in this article. Dremgron - a perfect name for a kobold who has a fiery attitude. Simply enter some basic information about your kobold, and the generator will create a list of potential names for you to choose from. Actions Dagger. Female Male Neutral Contents hide 1. During his studies, he learned & worked on different computer languages & OS including HBCD, Linux, etc. Well, filling up your names bucket with some famous and creative Kobold names is our commitment. They are not only aggressive but they also have reptile-like figure and dragon like scales and jaws. Zakris - one who remembers to take vengeance. 1. They are industrial, with the whole tribe knowing the plans that lie ahead. However, their proud nature drives them to persevere. Roughbrace - attacks and loots other tribes. However, there are smaller tribes that take residence in colder regions as well. There is no single definition of what constitutes a tribe, but there are some common characteristics that are often found in tribes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For even more ideas and some additional options, be sure to also check out the Tribe Name Generator over on The Story Shack. 1. Here are the insights you should know before deciding the best Kobold names. FearlessAd8584 7 days . Physical Description: Kobolds are small, bipedal reptilian humanoids. Rabidhands - kobold tribes with this name will inflict fear among others. Our Tribe Name Generator will make your work easier as you consider fantasy fiction work. Kobold elders have boastfully retold this legend of creation to their hatchlings for generations. Kobolds also have a strong sense of community and tribe. Toe 8. According to legend, kobolds are small, goblin-like creatures that haunt mines and underground tunnels. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. All of these factors combine to make kobolds a fearsome and disliked creature in many cultures. With a Master of Arts in English, she has worked as a private tutor and, in the past few years, has moved into content writing for companies such as Writer's Zone. Book Generator; Dwarven Insult Generator; Hag Generator; NPC Generator; Potion Generator; Tavern Generator; Articles; Scifi. Red Foot - this kobold likes attacking in the forests. Goblins, on the other hand, are creatures that come from a variety of different folklore traditions. Both genders seem to have similar names, at least to those who speak the Common language. Use alliteration to create memorable names. Using a Tribe Name Generator can be helpful for those looking for a unique and creative way to come up with a name for their tribe. Created by somebody who wished to erase themselves from the face of the internet. Ive suggested to him a few names that will exhibit the behavior of the gamer at once: Aggind, Deend, Fogfist, Magnudre, and Ibbad. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. Marbles Alpha 4. Often kobolds' faces are curiously devoid of expression, as they favor showing their emotions by simply swishing their tails. Some people believe that the name of a kobold says much about her personality and inner self. What geographical landmarks are in the area? Give your kobold character a name which might have some meaning to it. 1000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like. Tribe Name: Dopache . Then after pressing the generate button, you will get your set of cool tribal names. Enjoy! The kobold has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the kobold's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. You may need to update the web application. They are often described as being ugly and malicious, and they often have a love of causing mischief. Below we have listed some of the best female kobold names. RIPtumblr 6. Some less-violent humanoids may see a mutually beneficial opportunity. One hundred different dwarves clan names. Standingwaters Crimsonwatchers Moltenstormers Silentfishes Silverbrothers Lastfingers Firstsisters Quiettooths Bravebisons Blackbears Savagewatchers Shadowclaws Blindhammers The Essential Expansion for every 5th Edition game! Kobolds are related to dragons, but this relation leaves much to desire when you compare the two. vimqic roughfinger. 2. Kobolds are frequently used as a source of entertainment and comic relief in contemporary tales. Just have fun with it. Dobi - the name has an elven ring to it. Use this Tribe Name Generator to find countless random tribe names for your next gaming adventure, story or any other kind of project. Please, tell us some of your favorite names in the comments and share your own methods of coming up with a Kobold name. It can provide a toolkit of ideas to spark ideas and make sure your name is original and special to your group. Give your character names inspired by any legendary mythological character. Earlier these names were used for many famous female Kobolds and now these names are with a remarkable history. Tirgeh - the name defines a 'Predator'. kiresk darkblood. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Game materials and content are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publishers and its licensors.All rights reserved. Aggind - a perfect name for a fearsome kobold. Although, not all tribes are this lucky. Basically the Martians from Sesame Street. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. 41. A kobold is a small, lizard-like humanoid with a short, stunted snout and a long, slithering tail. Evil beings often force kobold tribes into slavery or remove them from existencealtogether. Brax not hurt you. he continued, showing his small edged teeth in a form of a smile. Stonediggers - kobolds worship the God of mining, so Stonediggers is a perfect way to depict that. This fictional species is featured in the Dungeons and Dragons online game. Tolkiens The Hobbit. Sense. What vocal sounds or language does the kobold speak? This started out as a game, but its been 200 years and no one seems to remember that. KarlosFerros 7 days ago. Well, moving your hands out holding the best name from the mess would not be easy at all. You are free to generate as many names as you want till you are satisfied with the results. Brax take good care of you he finished, taking the small animal into his hands. The Tribe Name Generator can generate thousands of ideas for your project, so feel free to keep clicking and at the end use the handy copy feature to export your tribe names to a text editor of your choice. Additionally, kobolds are often said to be in league with evil spirits and demons, and they are sometimes said to worship the devil. Kobolds are small, reptilian humanoids that stand about 2 to 3 feet tall. Hungroin. Generator Views: 1.3k Description: Outputs tribe names, based on Native American and African tribes. Whether you need a name for your next D&D campaign or you just want to come up with some kobold names for fun, our generator will help you get the job done. By using a generator, you can make sure you are giving due respect to the cultural heritage that may be associated with the name. Enjoy! Kobolds natural ability to avoid detection often allows them to hide their warrens, but eventual interaction is nearly unavoidable. Indeed, we are pretty sure that your hands are dug into a pail full of Kobold names. Despite being small Kobold is known as a dedicated worker and fierce adversary as well. Tribes can be formed for any number of reasons, and there is no set time frame for when a group can be considered a tribe. Plus, our generator is always free to use, so you can keep generating names until you find the perfect one for your needs. Each tribe has different naming conventions, so youll want to make sure you choose a name that makes sense for your kobolds tribe. His liking for technology made him go for engineering in computers. Kobolds that leave their tribe are often looked down upon and are not welcomed back. Kobolds have many despicable traits like aggressiveness. Some of the common questions people have about kobolds are answered below! Their first names are typically short, rarely longer than two syllables, with hard consonants and openvowels. Kobolds are frequently bullied and enslaved by sinister, more threatening creatures. While their race is adverse to confrontation and limited in strength, kobolds know there is greatness within them. Please note: may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from theseretailers. Kobold elders have boastfully retold this legend of creation to their hatchlings for generations. If you are looking for some fun and creative kobold names for your next Dungeons and Dragons game, here are some great options: If youre looking for more 5e kobold names, our kobold name generator is the perfect tool for you! Kobold names like Doss, Kidi, and Strix are good examples. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! Views: 1.3k Description: kobolds are small reptilian humanoids to remember that of these factors combine to make a! 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